Otomate Terminology Explained

PIM stands for Product Information Management. Otomate is a PIM system that provides a single source of truth for product information.

Catalog is a list that stores product Items, including their descriptions, images, prices, and other details.

Product Type is a product category or classification that stores products of the same type. It can be created for one or multiple products. Product Type also defines a set of attributes that is applicable to product items of the same category.

Item refers to a single unit of a product that is stored and managed within the catalog and has a certain set of properties such as description, image, price, and other relevant details.

Attribute is a data field that describes a product property and provides specific information about its characteristics or features.

Default fields in Otomate are internal attributes that correspond to basic product data fields common to all sales channels. They include Name, Price, Description, and SKU properties.

Custom fields are additional attributes with product-specific information imported from external channels or created on Otomate directly.

External System is a system that can be connected to Otomate for transferring product data.

Integration/Channel is any eCommerce platform, marketplace, or website connected to Otomate.

Import is the process of bringing product data into Otomate from an external source.

Export is the process of transferring product data from Otomate to another external source.

Mapping is the process of setting up the relations between product attribute fields in Otomate and a sales channel.

Completeness Tracking is a feature that allows you to ensure that all relevant product information has been filled in by tracking which product data fields have been completed and which are missing.

Bulk edit is a feature that allows you to make changes to multiple product items simultaneously. For example, you can use bulk editing to update the product descriptions, prices, or attributes for a group of products all at once.